Friday, July 23, 2010

Good Wife

Posted by Junyy Hii at 11:41 PM 2 comments
I watch a movie earlier. Where a woman being brutally abuse by the husband, every single day and night. The guy have a good career, great house, and good man, except, he is a good man to other people but not his wife. Work stress, kick the wife. Got a parking ticket from the police, slap his wife. What else did I miss?

And all did the woman says when ask by her ex-lover (this is the time where they accidentally met when she went for a medical check in a private clinic, trying to invite her for a drink) was that, "I fell yesterday, I'm sorry, I am a married woman now, I have to go back, I can't go for a drink like we used to anymore"

By this time, coincidentally, her husband pass by and saw her talking with another guy. Drive home and kick/bitch slap his own wife like nobody business. This wife have the nerve! To still sit there and beg for forgiveness and continue being treated as such!? WHY? Because she his wife, and must be loyal and be the good wife is her responsibilities, so she can not leave?

My question is. Why would woman stand for that kind of situation? What have the husband done in fulfilling his duty as a husband? Why would you be loyal to such guy who treated u like shit? And by shit, meaning when you started shivering/nervous every time you hear your husband car park into the drive way. Shit, as in you have nightmares/woke up all sweating every single night.

So... if this husband, is chosen by your parents because, they thought, she would ONLY be happy because the man they chose would be the perfect husband for her. Message to all parents. How confirm do you know that your child will be forever-happy with your preference?

It's not I don't approve of arrange marriage. I do, when the children already reach in the mid 30's and do not know how to find the perfect partner by themselves. Arrange marriage should still end by the children to decide whom they wanted to marry to.

Goodness gracious. I will not tolerate with such action.

Girls should be strong! Girls should be confident!
That is what you should teach your children! Not force them to get married when they reach 20, to avoid being called -old virgin- What? Being called -old virgin- more hurt than being kick/bitch slap by a stranger who you called a great husband?

Urgh...oh, and by the way... The wife died while trying to save her marriage photo that flown out of the window. What did the husband did?

Cry like a baby and ask for forgiveness from God.

Junyy's Message to Papa

Posted by Junyy Hii at 11:35 PM 5 comments
Junyy's Papa...

Junyy still waiting for PS3

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