Monday, April 5, 2010

Who is JunyyHii?

Posted by Junyy Hii at 7:50 AM

My name is Junyy Hii! Created by my awesome blog owner, who unfortunately happens to be my mummy. Well, we get into that later. (Mummy: HEY!) Now it's about me! Junyy Hii! Me Me and more Me! (Mummy: =.=")

Camwhore is a must. tsk tsk

I am born in Perth Australia, and yes! I am Hairy can we not talk about that please? As you all can see on my, *ahem* only shirt! Basically, I am born with it, and my ...shh.. 'my current mama never bought me any new shirt'. Don't tell her but she's very very very Kiam Siat! (Mummy: I see that! Throw rocks at Junyy)

Junyy: aiyok T____T *grows 10 inch swollen bump on the head*

Now for more of my photo! Behold!
The Awesomeness about Junyy!
Can't wait liao leh?
Told you I'm awesome
(Turn to the audience, HEY! who just called me Hairy Bitch!)

I'm awesome I'm awesome

Check out my bling bling! *showing off blinging ring*
See who's hairy now bitch!

ARk! You stupid Yellow Duck! Go away! You ruining my moment here!
Duck: Quack!

Junyy: =.=" I'm officially hate ducks from now on.
Double Duck: Quack Quack!

Junyy: Wei! Not there!
Hyperactive Duck: Quack Quack Quaaaaccckkkkk!

*Camera Tripod drop to the ground*


*ducks flies away*

Junyy: er....Mama?......
Mummy: What the heck happens here! *pull Junyy on the ear*! I told you to take care of your things properly!

Junyy: T____________T *stupid duck*
(grumbling to self while putting back the camera tripod back on

Now where were we?

Yes! about me!
*look both left and right to check if any ducks around*

Okay. Set the timer on.







Juny: T________T

Duck: QUACK!

p/s: I can't belief I am starting to blog again!


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