Monday, April 26, 2010

Junyy have been neglected

Posted by Junyy Hii at 5:54 AM
Junyy's papa is busying with NBA pc-game. No luck there.
Junyy's mama is busying with Russian Solitaire. No luck there either.

Thinking of reporting this to the kids welfare department. hmph :(~

Oh well, Junyy shall put some music on!

Now let's see, how to open this thing. Should be the button in the middle, "click"

There you go. Now lemme' get my Favourite CD

fuh...... Finally!


Ladies and Gentleman!

and even to those who just called me a Hairy Bitch. Could you just shaddap oledi!
(grumbling to self, stupid never pinish)
Let'ssssssssssssssssssssssss RUMBLE!


Let's move to the left!

and Move it to the right!

Don't forget to shake shake! Shake your bootie~

Arghhhh I'm moving all over the place.

Crash Boom Bang..!!! Not again... :(
Junyy's mama: What in the hell happen in here!
Junyy: I can explain.
Junyy's mama just knock Junyy's head for messing the room up. again.
*grumble grumble*

Junyy found something!

Let's watch this! *heh heh* evil grin


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