Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Should we interfere?

Posted by Junyy Hii at 11:46 PM
Have you all ever been wondering that how when you grow up, everything turns more difficult to handle that you always wish you were a kid again? I mean, what's up with that? I know I do. In fact, a lot of times. There was one time when I got dumped, and all I feel is just to end this life short. It was horrible. That particular night. That particular cold cold night. I still remember, the pain, tears streaming down my cheeks. I just could not stop myself from crying and sobbing like a kid who just lost her favourite toys.

There's nothing that can make me feel more grateful than my dad who took his time to actually call me and the first thing he said when I pick up the phone, "Girl are you okay?". I mean! Is it a coincidence? (I'm talking about, shouldn't people usually say hello hello!?can u hear me or something like that) In the midst of crying and sobbing and confuse of what have just happen. This dad, my awesome dad, who called me, (which was very very seldom since I was away in college.) it shock me and realize, I am not alone in this. I still have my parents to look up to when I was in trouble. And that is the first time I told him about my relationship issues. The talk turns out great, motivation and more motivation. Which is all I need. Someone who I call my dad.

Hands Down to my awesome awesome dad!

Even though he always annoyed whenever I call him up during college year to ask nothing else but more allowance money. :X



Oh man, I should have save this post for father's day instead =.="




Well, I'm smart. I'm sure I can come up with somewhat better thing to say about my dad other than this.
Anyway, by now, for sure you are curious to know what's my dad have anything to do with the title above. 1 word. None. Why?
1. He knows me well enough than to interfere with my relationship, UNLESS I ask for his advice.
2. He knows me WELL enough to take care of myself in anything I do
3. He knows me WELL ENOUGH to make my own decision, and yes some are bad choices. But I still survive am I not?
4. What else is there that he is not awesome at?!

A word that I do not like very much.

For example: When you trying to listen to an important call (Let's say, getting a free pass ticket to meet Jay Chou in person) and people kept laughing loudly at some silly jokes behind you, even when your hand flying up and down, trying to shush them up, end up the people around that you shush at mock you at the back and saying stuff like, "What a party pooper"


When a certain guy who have no jobs. Work as a temp, doing direct selling, and one uncle says, "Are you in financial trouble? Why do you need to do this job badly? Just tell me the amount and I might loan you some money." oh.. How sweet.... In reality? They Bitch about you in the back and told your parents that YOU spend all your money and swipe credit card for the certain girlfriend who never even ask, heck even warn him NOT to spend money on her! You see where it goes? Thus, created a massive Hoo-Hah, where the parents started pointing finger at the guy saying he is stupid bla bla bla spend so much money on her, yada yada yada she's trying to cheat your money etc. When the truth is, she's got all the money she's needed to buy certain things that she wanted!

More Controversial?

If you know me well enough. You should know my life story by now.

All I'm asking is. Should we interfere?




Interfere in a boy's decision to choose what course to take after SPM ?

Interfere in a girls interest over what dress suits for her or not ?

Interfere in a young boy into buying the toys that he wanted ?

Interfere in any other people's relationship ?

(regardless, your uncle, your auntie, your gong gong, your nai nai, your siblings or any other people relationship!)

My Advice?


Only When You are NEEDED, NOT when YOU think You should!


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