Thursday, April 8, 2010

Boom De YADA!

Posted by Junyy Hii at 7:27 AM
Unless you are staying under a rusty shell, you should have heard the word Boom De Yada. LoL. It's been airing on the Astro Channel since forever. Yes. I am talking about how bored I am that I shall Blog about an advertisement. >.<"

Have you ever been in a very awkward silence that you feel like breaking a song into it? Me? I always sing something to make the awkward moment feels much at ease. Just this morning, I have to break the awkward silence in the office by singing the Doraemon theme song. =.=" What? I love that song.

Without further adieu, let me post you the awesome video from the discovery channel.

I Love the Whole World *loves*


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