Friday, April 9, 2010

Mama's in Foul Mood

Posted by Junyy Hii at 6:08 AM
This morning, Junyy woke up, mama did not went to work today. She is in a very foul mood especially her swollen eye got worsen than days before. Mind you me... when mama's in foul mood. I mean real FOUL MOOD. You do not want to mess with her, I tell you. (Crash! Boom! Bam! - the sound of Junyy's background)

See see, Mama's in Foul mood. :X
*Note that this photo was taken days ago, when she notice her eye is beginning to feel uncomfortable

Yikes! See what mama did to the study table!! Oh, and those liability bills that came every month one, makes mama mood even worse
(Notice Junyy hanging behind those bill ma? No matter what also must camwhore bit, those stupid ducks went to south yesterday to warm the leftover eggs from Easter day thinking there are ducks inside =.=" Told you there were stupid)

So since Junyy a good boy! Junyy shall help mama clean the table!

After 2 hours of cleaning
(Apart of being crush 2 times by those stupid thick bills =.=")

Tah Dah!

Junyy: Mama? Feeling wee bit better now? So Can buy me a PS3 now?


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